It's the middle of the month again already -- where does the time go? That means it's time for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, when garden bloggers catalog what's flowering in their gardens.
First, a peek into the greenhouse, where there are a few blooms.
A fancy leaf Begonia has put up a few spikes of flowers |
Golden rat-tail cactus (Cleistocactus winteri) has been putting out a succession of blooms on different "arms" for days |
Alstroemeria 'Sunset Sunrise Sun Something or Other' which I have never planted out in the garden and is still in its nursery pot after two years -- perhaps it is time to give it away |
And out in the garden:
Muscari |
Arctostaphylos |
Camellia 'April Kiss' and Ribes sanguineum towering over a 5 1/2-foot fence |
Camellia 'April Kiss' |
Camellia 'April Kiss' |
Ribes sanguineum |
This Primula has self-sown all over the bed |
Including right into the middle of a sea of dandelions |
Dicentra 'Valentine' |
Brunnera all over the garden are flowering |
I've been remiss this year in cutting back the old foliage on most of my Epimediums. Some look right atrocious, but others not too bad.
Epimedium x perralchicum 'Frohnleiten' with old foliage |
A more delicate Epimedium with new foliage |
Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' |
Pulsatilla |
Fritillaria and forget-me-not |
Dodecatheon looking a bit battered |
Trillium ovatum, our native PNW Trillium, opened white on March 20, has aged to pink, plus our rain has turned the flower translucent, like fairy wings. |
Corydalis lutea has sown itself into the middle of a patch of Dicentra formosa, and the leaves are so similar to my eye I can't tell where one plant begins and the other ends |
Dicentra 'Gold Heart' |
I forget the name of this poor rain and wind-battered Primula sandwiched here between Cyclamen coum and Cyclamen hederifolium |
Euphorbia rigida |
Erythronium |
Oxalis oregana |
I hope you have found plenty blooming in your garden on this April Garden Bloggers Bloom Day! Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Bloom Day, check our her post