It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day but there's not really much out in the garden that's still flowering. At the moment, things are a very soggy, wind blown mess, because of the storms blowing through like an out-of-control train. We don't get hurricanes here on the west coast, but we do get the remnants of tropical typhoons, which are the Pacific Ocean version of a hurricane. This weekend we are getting a one-two punch of two storms back to back, the second of which is going to hit us this afternoon. It's the remnants of Typhoon Songda. We're expecting heavy rain and wind.
So I took these pictures in anticipation a few days ago, when our weather was still crisp and sunny -- like most people think of autumn. (Here in the PNW autumn means stormy and wet).
An Aloe blooming in the greenhouse |
Golden rattail cactus (Cleistocactus winteri) is preparing to flower, so I just had to include it, it's a first for me |
Here's what I found out in the actual garden -- not much.
A few ornamental Oregano blooms hanging on, the rest are brown and papery |
A little rebloom on Achillea 'Moonshine' |
Fuchsia magellanica never stops from early spring to autumn frost |
A handful of California poppies are reblooming too |
Pennisetum 'Redhead' is going strong |
And that's it!
Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, check out her post
here, where you'll find links from other garden bloggers around the world.