As requested, here are a few judicious wide shots of the front garden, of the areas that I've managed to clean up.
The greenhouse from the front door |
The orange flowers in those big pots are Tulipa 'Praestans Shogun.' Last fall when it became obvious that I wasn't going to get them in the ground, I grabbed the pots of used soil that held last summer's tomatoes and plunked them in. When they've finished flowering and the foliage has died back, I'll fish them out and finally plant them. I might do this again deliberately this fall, but I'll use smaller, prettier pots. They would have looked smashing in one of my Talavera pots, I think.
Along the top of the recycled concrete wall |
Sedum 'Angelina' and blue-leaved Acaena, in planting pockets in the concrete wall |
A look back at the house, with flowering rosemary backing up Daffodil 'British Gamble' and a bicolor Muscari |
A curvy spot in the recycled concrete wall |
As they say, "Slow and steady wins the race." I'm making steady progress with my cleanup.