My son Iain came for a visit recently and while he was here we went to Watson's Nursery to look for a gift for his girlfriend (As an aside, his girlfriend Diana came with him for the first weekend, and we met her for the first time, but she had to travel on to a business conference rather than spend the rest of the week with us. She's wonderful, we love her!) Iain and I had a lot of fun looking around the nursery. He marveled a couple of times that it was so big, and I told him there were even bigger nurseries north of Seattle. Mostly, we spent our time inside the big greenhouse, where the houseplants and home decor items are. I didn't actually take any photographs that day, although I was tempted to pull out my point-and-shoot. I opted to remain "Mom" and just browse casually.
But I made a note of the things I would come back later on my own to buy, such as one of these head planters. They had a couple of bright red ones when we were there, but when I came back, only a few days later, after my son had left to go back East, the red ones were nowhere to be found. I had to settle for green.
I picked up one of these, and when I went back later through the same area, some salesperson had wrapped a scarf around the neck of the one remaining planter. |
They had a great display of orchids, which I'm not tempted to buy. They're beautiful, but I unerringly kill them. |
Here are some obligatory orchid closeups.
Ah! The cactus and succulent table! That's what I was looking for. A couple more would be welcome, since they did so well over my winter of neglect.
Love these roundish ones with their sharp spines that look almost like flowers if you squint |
This big hairy one has a two-tone ombre kind of hairdo |
Lots of little babies all crowded around the edge. This one reminds me a bit of my Euphorbia polygona, but I think it's a true cactus. |
Kind of adorable! |
I had to take some pictures of their Tillandsia display, since this was where we found gifts for Diana when I was here with my son.
They had some interesting display ideas.
Popular but impractical for watering |
Funky! I have some bedsprings I could use, but I gave most of my Tillandsias away. |
I love the idea of using driftwood, but these are hot-glued to the piece of wood, which is unappealing |
A little terrarium duo (Diana is into terrariums) |
Off to explore more of the nursery!
Gorgeous Rex Begonias are always tempting, but they don't stay gorgeous for long under my care |
A lizard carrying a book? I might have been tempted if he had been a gecko |
The story of my life |
This pitcher is beautiful and I would have bought it if I had a use for it. It would be perfect for In a Vase on Monday, but I don't do that meme. |
Aha! The sales tables!
I'd like these in silver please. |
Can't help wondering if I should go back for one of these (30% off of $69.00). I just don't know what I'd do with it. It's not practical for planting. |
How about a change purse shaped like an Echeveria? |
So, besides the green head planter, are you wondering what else I brought home?
These two cacti appealed to me, especially since I thought they'd be perfect for these two little footed containers that I brought back from Disney World way back in April. The containers evoke EPCOT's Spaceship Earth, and are actually mugs, so they have no drainage. But given how I neglect plants, they'll probably work out perfectly.
This ruffled Echeveria with its pink edge came home |
And this oddly colored Echeveria -- gray, blue, tones of rose? |
I need the reminders |
When I told Nigel I had bought a couple of plants, he said, "Ah. You're back."
Maybe not completely, but I'm finding my way.