Don't be fooled. Inside this thin coating of sweetness is a fiery core of total insanity.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Latest and Greatest in Plant Hybrids

As an attendee at the Garden Bloggers Fling (I've been to two now), my little blog and I have come to the attention of the most innovative of plant breeders and hawkers. After the Seattle Fling, I ended up on the marketeers' list for Proven Winners, and as a result, received two boxes of plants. I wrote about them the first year I got them, but then I skipped the next year. Nary a box in sight since then. BooHoo.

Despite attending a presentation for the Sunset Western Garden collection during the San Francisco Fling last year, I didn't receive any plants from them. (I would have liked one of those hardy Gardenias).

Never mind. I have my own collection of weird and wonderful hybrids.

Ever heard of Araucaria acerseminolia? No? Isn't it fab?

How about the infamous hop-flowered elderberry?

You can use it to make both beer and wine, simultaneously.