Don't be fooled. Inside this thin coating of sweetness is a fiery core of total insanity.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Fling, Day Three -- Daylilies at Meadowlark Gardens

The Garden Bloggers Fling, which took place in the second half of June, was happening right at the height of daylily season for the D.C. area. I think some people might even agree that the daylily, one of my favorite perennials, was THE flower of the Fling. Our final visit on the last day was at an enormous public garden called Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, which had several borders with gorgeous daylilies flowering in them.

Here are several shots of them.


I didn't get a name for this pale pastel daylily with a watercolor-like splotch

'Bluegrass Memories'

This spider type was paired with Crocosmia 'Lucifer.'

I didn't get a name for it, but it was a perfect combo

'Forest Lake Ragamuffin' -- what a beautiful pie crust edge!

'Three Rivers Gold'

'VT Spirit'

To see more of the beauty of Meadowlark, see Kris's post Meadowlark Botanical Gardens - Captivating Views at the blog Late to the Garden Party.