I spent most of last week moving plants out of the greenhouse, arranging and up-potting, making several trips to Fred Meyer for cactus soil and new pots, etc. I think everything is finally in its summer home -- later than usual, but it has been a long, cold spring, with our night temperatures still going down into the 40s, so I don't think the plants mind.
Plants that like sun get a spot here on the west-facing front porch/step. In the past I've tried to keep everything in between the two pillars, but this year, things have spilled a bit far to the left, and are crowding the front door just a tad.
Variegated Beschorneria is a new acquisition this spring from Annie's Annuals. |
My three 'Bright Star' Yucca spent the winter protected from the rain on the front porch, and are looking good. |
Three of my four "Fat Bottomed Girls" -- the hair of the fourth, a ponytail palm, is on the left |
I also bought two Proteas from Annie's Annuals this spring. I know they'll eventually need bigger pots than this -- if they live.
One of several plants I've gotten over the years from Matthew
The Lents Farmer at the Portland Bloggers Plant Swap, this rooted pineapple top, technically a Bromeliad, is producing fruit.
Itsy-bitsy pineapple |
I searched the thrift store for some kitschy accoutrements to add to this repotted cowhorn Agave, but couldn't find anything appropriate. I really wanted a cow from a child's farm set. I found the gold steer skull at Fred Meyer, but I'm not sure it's really my style. I'll keep looking, and if I find something I like better, maybe I'll box up the steer skull and ship it to Trump Tower.
Agave bovicornuta |
What would make a good prop for 'Bloodspot' Mangave? A syringe? A bloody knife? I'll have to see what I can find at the Halloween shop this year. Oh! I know -- a severed finger! In the meantime, this wee birdie will have to do.
Groucho lives! |
Thanks to my blogging friends I have a nice little collection of Stapeliads going. I don't remember the names of most of them.
Huernia something or other |
I think the one on the left Matthew called butthole plant -- aka lifesaver plant/Huernia zebrina |
'Zigzag' Euphorbia from Dig last fall |
An Aloe wearing spiral glasses looks down at an Aloe polyphylla that never seems to get any bigger |
The tablescape includes a Groot that's supposed to have a Chia head of hair, and the Minnie Mouse Pachypodium that used to live in my upstairs bathroom (my cat was chewing on it -- perhaps he was trying to clean his teeth?) |
Aloe aristata needed to be up-potted from its nursery pot, along with about a zillion offshoots (in a mathematically challenged universe where a zillion equals 8) |
Love its warty, hairy goodness! |
Any babies that survive the summer will probably head to Portland for the Bloggers swap in the fall |
Spilling down the back porch steps, which face east and get morning sun and afternoon shade, are shade-preferring plants such as Begonias and Bromeliads.
I always want to call this Begonia boliviensis but I know that's not it -- it's on the tip of my tongue -- luxurians! |
A Podophyllum with no name, just a number, but no longer a prisoner in the village -- er, greenhouse |
Bromeliads that some day may hang on a Bromeliad tree, if I ever get around to making one |
This year's experiment -- tuberous Begonias -- 8 tubers out of 12 sprouted |
One of them has a flower bud! |
So, the plant migration is complete, just in time for meteorological summer to officially begin!