Well, it's June, and we here in the PNW have finally been getting some warmer, sunny days, interspersed with a day or two of rain, rather than the incessant cold rain we had for months and months up to now, since about last October. Sometimes we even get a sunny day, with rain at night, and then sun again the next day (the best of both worlds).
The garden has been loving the warm sunshine, and the flowers are just busting out all over. For once, rather than a smattering of blooms, I think I'll try and show you everything for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.
Everything!?! Yes, get that scrolling finger ready. Hope you don't get a blister.
The tag has been long lost in the mists of time, but I'm pretty sure it's Salvia 'East Friesland' |
Geranium magnificum |
Several repeating clumps of bigroot Geranium are flowering and attracting bees like mad |
This Allium seems to last the longest, I don't remember the name, but I think it lasts because it's sterile, it doesn't set seed, although it does attract plenty of bees |
Nectaroscordum siculum |
Allium christophii |
Who remembers that episode of Star Trek TOS called 'The Tholian Web?" |
Iris 'Gerald Darby' is a rather ordinary flower, considering the early spring foliage is so cool -- well, as ordinary as an iris can be, I guess |
Achillea 'Moonshine' and Calendula 'Solar Flashback' |
Achillea 'Paprika' and California poppies |
Dianthus |
Kniphofia |
I don't remember the name of this lily, but it's the earliest flowering one I have, also very short |
New in the garden this year, although I've grown it in the past, is Dianthus barbatus 'Sooty' |
Another newcomer -- Lychnis arkwrightii 'Orange Gnome' |
The flowers on Rosa glauca are simple, but I prefer them |
A favorite annual, Nigella, has started flowering |
California poppies are popping |
Oxalis planted along the new wall is flowering, and will hopefully self-sow. |
Beschorneria septentrionalis (try saying that three times fast) is flowering for the first time in the gravel garden, despite extreme neglect |
Astrantia major 'Sunningdale variegated' although the leaves show just the tiniest edge of white |
The bees don't seem to care about the foliage! |
This ground orchid (Dacytlorhiza) has multiplied nicely |
Peony 'Cora Louise' |
I don't recall the name of this hardy Digitalis, but I bought it to replace the less hardy but more colorful Digiplexis that was all the rage a couple of years ago |
This Clematis scrambles through the bed after it's done scrambling through the purple smoke bush |
I often cut this Clem back about one-third to one-half in the spring, rather than try to unscramble that mess |
I think this is Primula prolifera from Far Reaches Farm, although it looks a lot like Primula bulleyana too |
Verbascum 'Southern Charm' |
Verbascum Closeup |
I forget which native lily this is (possibly Lilium pardalinum), but it has done well here. I divided it last fall, and all three divisions have come up and flowered. |
Tradescantia 'Bilberry Ice' |
I called this Brodiaea in a previous post, but I think it actually may be Dichelostemma congestum. It has been remarkably prolific in this spot, but very tall and floppy, and the thick, grasslike foliage is messy |
Such a pretty flower, though, and lasts a long time in the vase, each of those florets continues to open. |
Dichelostemma 'Pink Diamond' |
Dichelostemma ida-maia aka firecracker flower |
Dichelostemma 'Pink Diamond' has preternaturally long stems too |
Elegantly long-spurred yellow Columbibe |
Dianthus grown from seed many years ago |
Woolly thyme |
Sambucus racemosa 'Black Beauty' |
Philadelphus lewisii |
Physocarpus |
Enkianthus |
Ceanothus |
Begonia boliviensis |
Begonia whose name I have forgotten |
Callistemon subulatus 'Dark Red' is still in its nursery pot, but is flowering profusely |
It's still just a baby shrub too |
Lovely scented yellow daylily, also still in its nursery pot (going on two years now) |
A new Philadelphus, called 'Belle Etoile' is supposed to have a red center on the flowers, but there is only the tiniest hint of pink |
Well, that's not really everything, but it's close. Over 50 photos, I think, so if you made it all the way to the end, kudos for you.
Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day on the fifteenth of every month. Check out her post
here, where you'll find links to bloggers all over the world celebrating what's blooming in their gardens.