Once again, it's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. It's hard to believe that we are halfway through October already. Where does the time go? I still have so much I need and want to get done this fall, but I am rapidly running out of time.
Unfortunately, I started September by pulling my shoulder, and once the muscles finally stopped screaming, I realized I also had a pinched nerve, which left my right arm and neck in pain and my fingers tingling, which gets worse if I sit at the computer for any length of time. The doctor gave me a prescription NSAID, but the only real help for a pinched nerve is time. I have lots of pictures and posts in the pipeline, but really need to take it easy on the shoulder.
Something for you to look forward to over the winter!
This tall purple aster is the biggest and brightest thing in my garden right now |
The pollinators, like this cutie-pie hoverfly, love it |
I managed to follow him from one flower... |
...To the next. |
My overflowing pot ghetto has plenty of flowers in it too.
I bought two Mahonia 'Soft caress' at the Heronswood Sale. |
Still unplanted pink flower whose name I can't remember |
Three gallon pots of Agastache, bought at discount because they were past it, have rebloomed after being cut back severely |
The tuberous Begonias are still flowering well. Now I just have to figure out how to overwinter them.
Hummingbird favorite Fuchsia magellanica |
Cyclamen |
Chocolate Eupatorium (which isn't called Eupatorium any more, but I don't care) |
Yellow Corydalis pops up everywhere, here it is amongst Geranium phaeum foliage |
A little fall rebloom on native bleeding heart Dicentra formosa |
Calamagrostis brachytricha |
Golden Hakone grass beside the waterfall |
Sheffield Pink Mums are just starting to open |
This huge cluster of buds on Tetrapanax will never open before frost, but its flower look like every other Araliaceae family plant, clusters of white puffballs. |
I moved almost all my tender plants off the front porch and into the greenhouse a couple of weeks ago. We've had some pretty cold nights lately, and I've even turned on the heater out there.
Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery' flowers look like just about every other Begonia grown for its foliage |
Haworthia |
Pelargonium sidoides |
'Old Lady' cactus looks very much like I might if I decided to wear flowers in my hair |
That's most of what's blooming in my garden right now. I managed to finish this post without too much pain, so things might be looking up.
Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. Check out her post
here, and all the other posts by bloggers around the world celebrating their blooms.