It's time for Foliage Followup, which always happens the day after Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, with the purpose of celebrating the role of fantastic foliage in the garden. Because of our long, hot, dry summer, I have a lot of crispy foliage, not to mention plants that have been torn apart and trampled by the rampaging marauders in the back. But I have found a few vignettes of good-looking leaves, and I've expanded the "not flowers" designation to include some seedpods.
Tetrapanax 'Steroidal Giant' looks quite lush despite being watered briefly about once a week |
Black Colocasia/elephant ear would make a great subject for a leaf casting |
Colocasia 'Mojito' unrolling |
It's hard to capture the wonderful shades of blue and purple in Little Bluestem 'Blue Heaven' |
The now golden strands of pheasant tail grass |
The red tips of Panicum virgatum |
Not really foliage, but not flower either -- Arum seed clusters (the day after I took this picture, it was trampled by raccoons) |
Also not foliage -- Castor bean seedpods |
Pam Penick at Digging hosts Foliage Followup. See her post
here, and don't forget to check out the links from other bloggers in the comments.