I haven't mentioned it often in my blog, but I'm a member of a Northwest Perennial Alliance neighborhood group called the
Petal Pushers. You can read about NPA neighborhood groups
here. We meet once a month. We get together to hear a speaker, or to visit a special garden, often accompanied by lunch. Last week we visited a garden called Dawnview, in
Shelton, a town near Olympia (the Washington state capital). You can read more about this fabulous private garden
here. It's the brainchild/fever dream of Enid Roberts. Enid, a retired kindergarten teacher, has been gardening at Dawnview for only 6 years, but she has accomplished so much! There are currently 5 separate gardens, all enclosed either by walls or fences to keep the deer out.
The first garden we entered was the walled English Garden.
This lovely fountain was just outside the gate into the English Garden. |
Just inside, a glimpse of the Bacchus fountain through the trees |
A closer look |
There were a couple of lush, copiously flowering potted Bougainvillea |
And there were roses! Boy, were there roses! Mostly David Austin roses, and all with lovely scents, and many bi-colored, which I'm quite partial to. I love roses, but only in other people's gardens.
And Fuchsias everywhere!
More roses.
There was a raised bed full of the most beautiful Begonias.
We all gasped and exclaimed over this one! |
Roses in the English Garden, hanging through the rail, waving "Good-bye!" to us like voyageurs on a ship |
And not to be outdone, a Hydrangea as well |
The Northwest Garden, fenced rather than walled, was our next destination.
Gorgeous Dahlia, I wish I had asked for its name |
There were not many lilies still flowering, but this one near the entrance to the Northwest Garden was huge and triumphant |
A couple of daylilies had some final flowers.
That pie-crust edge! |
I just loved the mid-rib stripe on this one |
There were signs too, of Enid's playful personality, like with this bench |
And a deliberate touch of messiness, but just a touch |
Clematis seedheads |
More roses in the Northwest Garden |
Enid likes to work with concrete, using it to make various troughs, pots and pedestals |
Everywhere, a carpet of woolly Thyme |
There were two beds of seed-sown Zinnias. |
We all couldn't fail to notice this one with its huge orange flowers |
There were quite a few button-like ones as well, with colorful contrasting centers |
Next to the Northwest Garden is the Edibles Garden.
From here, a sweet view of Little Steamboat Island in the Sound |
Another Clematis gone to seed |
Caged strawberries to keep the birds out |
Kale |
And cabbage |
Besides that great view, there are other aesthetically pleasing design touches.
A mosaic of ground covers under a birdbath |
A trickling fountain engulfed by wirevine |
The most recently installed garden is the Alpine Garden, much smaller.
Thanks so much to Enid for letting the Petal Pushers visit, and for her friendly, smiling, bubbly, plant-knowledgeable narration of the history of her garden!