Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Wednesday Vignette

Today's Wednesday Vignette was a lesson in serendipity, or perhaps the boy scout motto of "Be Prepared." I was wandering the garden with my phone in hand when I noticed a swallowtail butterfly on the rose campion, too busy feeding to pay attention to the big lumbering person nearby. Normally they flit off as soon as I crack the door open and try to slip out unnoticed out with the phone or camera to capture a photo. But on this day we both bumped into each other unawares, and that meant finally for me after many many years, some good closeup photos of a butterfly.

Hasn't noticed me

Still hasn't noticed me


Closer -- surely she can see me

Almost the right angle

Ah! That's it

Anna at Flutter & Hum hosts Wednesday Vignette. Please check out her post here.