Monday, July 9, 2018

In A (Few) Vases on Monday

This week I was conflicted about what to put in my vase. My first Dahlias in the cutting garden opened. It's a Dahlia called 'Totally Tangerine' and although it was more pink than orange I really wanted to use it in a vase with a couple of other flowers that had opened in the cutting garden with colors that I thought would go well. Of course I also wanted to keep my sweetpeas going, so I had to cut lots of them as well, but their stems are so delicate, they didn't go well with the robust nature of the Dahlia. So I just put each in separate vases and set them next to each other by the kitchen sink.

The Dahlia vase also contains Calendula 'Bronzed Beauty,' Calendula 'Solar Flashback,' and Cosmos 'Rubenza'

I've been redoing my front foundation bed, which contains a lot of self-sown Eryngium 'Blue Glitter' that I want to save, so I spent a few hours this weekend digging and potting them up. They've already produced tall wands of perfect flowers, so I saved those as well, cut them off and put them all together in a big vase, which I then set out on the back porch, on a little table where Nigel and I have occasionally in the past enjoyed eating a light summer supper. The other two pots are actually coffee cups from Disneyland, one shaped like Mickey's hand clutching an aspargus fern, the other with a Little Mermaid theme, containing a bird's nest fern (that somewhat -- to my eye at least -- resembles kelp).

The reason the Eryngium flowers are outside is because it seemed to me when I was cutting them that they were a bit stinky, and I didn't want the scent fighting the sweetpeas

Have you cut flowers from your garden today or this weekend? Or ever? It's fun if you don't get too obsessive about it (Haha).

Cathy at Rambling in the Garden hosts In a Vase on Monday. You can check out her post here.