I'm a day late with my In A Vase On Monday post. I actually had my arrangement all picked and put together first thing yesterday morning, but then didn't like my photos of it. I usually photograph my arrangements in the kitchen window on Sunday night, but this week in the bright light of Monday morning, in the east-facing kitchen window, it was washed-out. So instead of carrying it all over the house looking for a spot with good lighting, I decided to just wait till evening to take a photo and post today.
I discovered that last week's Dichelostemma congestum flowers were long-lived in the vase, so I picked more for this week's. I liked the look of them dancing with the Pulsatilla seedheads, so I picked more of them too. I was reminded when reading
Linda's post that I had a lily already blooming in my garden, so I picked one. Unfortunately, it's a very short lily, so I ended up with an arrangement that looks perhaps a bit quirky, shall we say.
Dichelostemma congestum, Pulsatilla seedheads, and Lily 'Matrix' -- perhaps I should have left my orange dish scrubby in the picture as a prop |
Lily 'Matrix' |
Here is 'Lily 'Matrix' blooming in the back garden in early morning light. Sorry it's so bleached out. 'Matrix' is one of the lilies that I dug up last fall from a front bed, replanted here and shared extras with readers |
Dichelostemma congestum grows very tall and floppy in the garden, perhaps in a bit too much shade. Like an Allium, the foliage starts to die back once it produces a flower |
Cathy at Rambling in the Garden is the host of In A Vase on Monday, you should check out her post
here, and see all the posts from other garden bloggers who participate.