The garden in August is a bit burnt up, to be honest. Although it has been a cooler and less droughty summer than usual, I also haven't been watering as much as I should, so there's probably less flowering than there has been in the past. I spot-water when I see something I really care about looking limp.
If I don't really care, well, tough love, baby. That plant's on its own. We'll see what lives till next year.
I wonder if anyone remembers the Hydrangea border I tried to plant last year. Man, they didn't like our summer drought. I ended up digging them all up and potting them up. Now the pots get babied and I move them into a spot in one of the shady borders that's full of Dicentra 'Gold Heart' in early spring, after I cut it back to the ground.
Late summer wouldn't be the same without black-eyed Susans.
Eucomis aka Pineapple Lily |
Ornamental Oregano is so carefree |
Echinacea 'White Swan' |
Blue Flax is reblooming |
Fuchsia magellanica blooms all summer and into fall, and I haven't watered it even once yet |
Geranium phaeum 'Samobor' is reblooming too |
California Fuchsia planted last fall is blooming (I didn't think this would survive the winter, but it did -- then again, it was a mild winter) |
One of the overwintered Begonias that survived my winter of discontent is blooming |
There is more, but not all the photos turned out in focus, and I'm too lazy to go out and try again. So you get what you get. Be satisfied.
Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day on the fifteenth of every month. She's been doing it for years and years. Check out her blog