Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wednesday Vignette

It's Echinacea season in my garden. No coneflower does better in my garden than the straight species wildflower, Echinacea purpurea, which I sowed in place about 3 years ago when we redid the front garden, right onto bare soil under a plastic cloche. The seeds sprouted wonderfully, and the plants that resulted continue to drop seeds and reproduce modestly. I've tried many named varieties over the years, and none have been as sturdy or robust. Plant breeders keep trying to capture my fancy with their crazy petals and poofy double flowers and crazy colors. I should have learned my lesson by now. None of them thrive like this. They're all wimps.

The pollinators prefer it too.

Anna at Flutter and Hum hosts Wednesday Vignette. Check out her post here.