Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wednesday Vignette

For today's Wednesday Vignette, I'm sharing an image that struck me recently when I was in my front garden weeding. I happened to glance up into the branches of a dark-leaved ninebark and noticed the distinctly bell-shaped flowers of a dainty Clematis that I had planted at its base a couple of years ago. It's in an out-of-the-way spot, facing my neighbor's driveway, and I seldom venture there, maybe once or  twice a year, mostly just to weed (since I have to stand IN my neighbor's driveway to do so, and that makes me feel conspicuous, as if I'm trespassing.) I had long ago assumed the Clematis had died.

I guess it was just biding its time.

It was a delightful little surprise.

Anna at Flutter and Hum hosts Wednesday Vignette. You can check out her current post here, and don't forget to also visit all the posts of the bloggers who comment and leave links to their own Wednesday Vignettes.