Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy Solstice!

Last week, while preparing a Foliage Followup blog post, I took photos of some of the foliage in my greenhouse. I wasn't sure I'd find enough of interest out in the garden, so I hedged my bets by also focusing my lens on greenhouse plants. But I did get enough good foliage shots outside, so I used those for my FF post here.

I thought as a Winter Solstice celebration, I'd show off the pictures I took in the greenhouse, where it is perpetually growing season (or at least staying-alive season).

Pelargonium sidoides

Agave attenuata 'Kara Stripe'

Echevaria 'Black Prince'



Echium/Star of Madeira


Like many other gardeners who pay close attention to seasonal changes, I am celebrating the Winter Solstice today, the day of the year with the shortest amount of daylight. Yes, it means tomorrow is the first full day of winter, but it also means the amount of daylight again begins to lengthen.

Happy Solstice!