It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, and therefore time for a cavalcade of flowers!
Red Dahlia grown from seed this past winter |
Cupid's Dart/Catananche caerulea |
Variegated Hydrangea bought last year from Cistus |
Helenium |
Un-named Dahlia bought last weekend at Flower World |
Eucomis 'Sparkling Burgundy' |
Oreganum 'Kent Beauty' |
Yellow Crocosmia, a gift from my friend Annette |
Brugmansia |
Andropogon gerardii /Big Bluestem (you can see why it's also called turkey foot grass) |
Kniphofia 'Mango Popsicle' |
I hope these Amaranthus flowers produce lots of seeds for seedlings next year |
Nicotiana |
Sedum 'Autumn Joy' starting to color up, another gift from Annette |
Tall Phlox, bowing down under the weight of our recent deluge of rain |
Balloon flower, showing one flower about to open, two open, and one deflated |
Rudbeckia, Echinacea, and Monarda 'Raspberry Wine' |
Echinacea and Coreopsis (maybe 'Red Shift') |
Hydrangea quercifolia |
Tricyrtis/Toad lily |
My one really exuberantly flowering bed in the back garden -- this is what I see when I look out my kitchen window over the sink, while I'm washing dishes |
Itea virginica (I think) (Edit: I knew as I was typing it that Itea wasn't right, but I couldn't dredge the actual name up out of the vast, empty, echoing reaches of my mind -- fortunately, blogger friends have let me know in the comments that it's Clethra alnifolia) |
Hardy Fuchsia aurea |
Abutilon 'Red Tiger' |
Alstroemeria isabellana, another recent purchase at the Fronderosa Frolic last weekend, from Far Reaches Farm |
I hope you enjoyed my very own personal flower show. I bet you have plenty blooming now too! Check out Carol Michel's blog
May Dreams Gardens to see more Bloom Day posts from around the world.