Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -- April 2014

Holy Smokes, April is busting out all over. All of a sudden, after a few warm, dry, sunny days, everything has popped!

Do I dare show everything I have in bloom? Surely you will get thoroughly, wretchedly bored. The Primroses have already had their own post, here. I think perhaps I'll save the Epimediums and give them their own parade too.

Here's the rest!

Iberis is such an ordinary plant most of the year, but it's also an early and long bloomer, which makes it alright in my book. I love the white flowers with the dark blotch on the Samobor Geranium leaves.

I could swear my Gold Heart Dicentra leaps out of the ground fully blooming, like Athena from the head of Zeus.

Fritillarias are flowering now too.

The plain white one as well

Gentian is such a luscious blue!

Dodecatheon meadia

White Dodecatheon

Trillium ovatum flowers start out white and age to pink

Pagoda lily

Dicentra formosa

My tiny Dawn Viburnum x bodnantense has one cluster of yummy flowers

Dicentra 'Valentine' I think

I only have a couple of patches of Anemone blanda, but I really should have more. They're such a cheerful, carefree early bloomer.

Viola labradorica, a sweet little violet with purplish foliage, so far has self-sown modestly, although I may have overlooked some tiny seedlings in my weeding.

Daffodils in the sunshine

The red Pulsatilla has finally opened its flowers (I wrote about the white one here)

Euphorbia flowers are so odd, I often forget that they're flowers

Uvularia grandiflora

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens, on  the 15th of every month. Check out her post here, where she shares what's blooming in her garden, and where others leave links to their own posts about what's flowering right now.