Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Foliage Followup -- April 2014

There's so much new growth out in my garden right now, it's hard to focus on the flowers. It seems like every day I see something new leafing out. Some plants, like Rodgersia, come up late, and I always worry each year that they won't come back. I have lost a few things, like Melianthus major, to the harsh winter, but plenty of plants are coming back quite well.

Here's a little rundown on what's catching my eye.

Heuchera 'Miracle'

Mottled Podophyllum (I'm sure I have the name somewhere)

Solid green Podophyllum pleianthum has been in this spot for a couple of years now, and the number of leaves increases every year, so it must be happy

Ostrich ferns unfurling remind me of cobras getting ready to strike

Our native sword fern isn't quite as graceful as the ostrich fern

This one reminds me of an elephant's trunk

Little furry knots


When I finally got to this bed to tidy it after the winter, I was so thrilled to see this healthy Cardiocrinum giganteum foliage

Honeysuckle, trellis, fence

Hydrangea macrophylla 'New Wave'

Solomon's Seal

Trillium and PNW native Vanilla Leaf (Achlys triphylla)

New foliage on Corylopsis spicata


Tulip 'Fire of Love' in front and Carex 'Banana Boat'

Foliage Followup is hosted by Pam Penick of the blog Digging on the 16th of every month, the day after Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, and its purpose is to celebrate the unique contribution that foliage makes to our gardens. Check out Pam's blog post here, and be sure and visit the links in the comments.