Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pacific Coast Iris on a Blustery Spring Day

The last couple of days have been rather typical spring days in the Pacific Northwest. Cool, alternating heavy showers and sun, or sometimes just a sprinkle and sun, and windy. Although, perhaps still a little cooler than a normal PNW spring day. When I woke up this morning I peeked out the window in our bedroom that looks out onto the back garden -- my peeking-out window (a morning ritual). I've been waiting for a few days now for the Pacific Coast iris to start opening. They've had fat buds for a couple of weeks now, but no flowers.

Till this morning when I peered out (without my glasses yet of course), and could see blobs of color dancing above the foliage! So despite the squishy state of the garden, and the coolth, and the wind, I went out with the camera to get some photos.

My Pacific Coast Iris are named hybrids that I got from a plant swap last year, and the tags have unfortunately been lost.

Sorry if some of the pictures are a bit blurry, it was windy, and for a couple of these I actually had to hold the stem to try to keep it from swaying uncontrollably.

I think the bees must have a peeking out window too!

To learn more about these beautiful irises which are native to the Pacific Northwest, check out this link.