Monday, May 30, 2011

Look What Popped Open on Memorial Day!

Finally, after a couple of weeks of teasing, I went out into the garden and my "Victorian Ball Gown" poppy was completely, gloriously open!

Of course, "Victorian Ball Gown" is not its real name. It's Papaver orientale 'Benary's Mix.'

I've never grown poppies before, so this is my first. I've tried growing them from seed in the past, but had no luck with them in my old garden.

I bought this one last year at Fred Meyer, on sale for $1.99.

And I did finally manage to grow some from seed last year, and they are getting ready to open as well. I'm looking forward to that. There are lots more buds on this one too.
I love that it opened on Memorial Day. It's not a Flanders poppy, but it's still appropriate.