Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Finished Putting Bulbs in Today

Well, it took me three days to get my bulbs in. I started last week, worked on them off and on, and then finished up today. I bought a bunch of PNW/West Coast natives, for the area behind the waterfall that I'm turning into a native-ish wildflower walk. I planted:

Calochortus superbus
Calochortus venustus
Allium cernuum (nodding onions)
Brodiaea coccinea
Brodiaea californica
Brodiaea 'Pink Diamond'
Dichelostemma ida-maia
Dichelostemma congestum
Fritillaria meleagris
Erythronium dens-canis 'Rose Queen'
Erythronium tuolomense

Technically the Fritillaria isn't a native, but there is a native Fritillaria that looks similar, so I included it. I go back and forth on how far I want to go with the native thing in that bed. Although most of those bulbs are natives, I doubt you will find them all growing together in the wild. It's a garden (an artificial construct), ten feet away there is a fence and a neighbor's back yard. It's not a situation where I have to be a purist.....Right?

In the front foundation bed, I planted 'Red Hunter' Tulips, Stargazer lilies, oxblood lilies, snowdrops, and Siberian Squill.

Today was a beautiful sunny day. I had a hard time believing the weather forecast this time yesterday, because we were having torrential rain. One reason why it took me three un-contiguous days to get my bulbs in was because of the rain. We've been having a sequence of rainy days, followed by either a partly cloudy or actually sunny afternoon.

I found an excellent book that helped me quite a lot in my research on PNW natives -- Encyclopedia of Northwest Native Plants for Gardens and Landscapes, by Kathleen A. Robson, Alice Richter and Marianne Filbert. If you need info about PNW natives, check it out.

Sorry, no pictures. I'll take some tomorrow, it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow again. In that native bed, I've also planted a bunch of other native plants that I bought at recent sales, so next post I'll document them.