Friday, October 22, 2010

Fertilizer Friday -- Still a Few Pretties

A week ago, when I left for the East Coast, there was hardly any color in the leaves of my oak tree. Now there's lots of orange-brown and yellow.

I also still have quite a few Dahlias blooming. Interestingly, all three of these came from seed from a single plant that I bought last year, called Dahlia Harlequin.

My Vitex is blooming. I've heard that butterflies like the flowers, but it seems to me that it is way too late in the season for butterflies.

My chocolate Joe-Pye Weed is flowering. From across the lawn, it looks like a pretty white froth floating above the plant.

There are still plenty of folks from all around the world, posting to Tootsie's Fertilizer Friday post on Tootsie Time. Go take a look!