Saturday, August 14, 2010

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day -- August 2010 -- In the Pink (and a couple of other colors)

I joined this meme, hosted by Carol at May Dreams Garden for the first time a couple of months ago, but then skipped July. Anyway, I thought I'd join again. Click the link to see the posts by other gardener/bloggers.

Flowering today in my garden:

Bright Pink Monarda

Larkspur 'Kingsize Scarlet', which is neither king-size (only 2 feet tall) nor scarlet (looks pink to me!) But it is pretty.

Flower close-up

Lupine 'Morello Cherry' (winter sown back in February)

Fuschia magellanica

 One of my Pia Hydrangeas has its first tiny bloom!

Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice' smells wonderful!

Aquilegia 'Tequila Sunrise' is showing off a little bit of rebloom.

And my Meyer lemon tree is loving the hot weather we're having, it has put on quite a bit of leafy growth and is flowering.