Friday, August 6, 2010

Fertilizer Friday -- Reblooming Daylilies and Some Other Stuff

Daylilies are one of my all-time favorite perennials. I was at Lowe's a couple of weeks ago, and they had them on their half-price rack - only about $4.50. How could I pass that up, especially since my garden had so few? The great thing is that although they had bloomed out scapes on them, since then they have produced more, and are now reblooming!

Daylily 'Entrapment'

These next two I bought at Bluestone Perennials. The fans are small, but they still flowered.

'Pardon Me'

'Barbara Mitchell' (Bluestone said it's 'Barbara Mitchell' but it doesn't quite match the one I had at my previous garden, still pretty)

Agastache 'Tutti Frutti' has been blooming for a while, but I think this is the first time I've posted a pic of it.

Dahlia 'Dracula' -- love the dark leaves and bright red flower, but not sure it looks right in the bed where it is, we'll see.

Dahlia 'Mystic Dreams' also has dark foliage, not seen in the pic. This one is growing in a pot. Hmm...maybe that's the best way to show these off?

Centaurea montana 'Amethyst Dream'

Coreopsis grandiflora, another half-price purchase at Lowe's (about $1.50). This one was near death, I cut it back and nursed it back to health. What a lovely reward!

Rudbeckia 'Prairie Sun' might be an annual, might come back next year, we'll see!

My first eggplant blossom. I think it might be too late for it to ripen into fruit, but who knows? I have tiny tomatoes too, the result of the cold, wet spring and not enough hot weather. I'll do a few things differently next year. I need to do a post on lessons learned from the vegetable garden. Some things were a great success, and some -- not so much.

That's it for today! Head on over to Tootsie's to see who else is flaunting their flowers!