Monday, December 16, 2019

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -- December 2019, A Day Late

The fifteenth of December came quickly. To be honest, there isn't much in my garden flowering right now, and not much more in the greenhouse, where the tender plants are wintering over. I wasn't sure I should even bother to post, but here I am anyway, taking a break from gorging myself on Christmas cookies to check out what's happening in my garden.

In the greenhouse:


Pregnant Onion

Euphorbia millii

Aloe dorothiae

And out in the garden:
Hellebore in the pot ghetto

Mahonia x media 'Charity' providing a hummingbird feast at this time of year

A second Mahonia 'Charity' flowering heavily but leaning precariously ever since raccoons used it as a jungle gym

And a third Mahonia 'Charity'

The third one also has several flower clusters low enough to get a closeup photo
Not a flower, but a swelling bud -- Oemleria cerasiformis/Indian Plum, one of the first small native trees to flower in late winter

That's it for my flowers. Carol at May Dreams gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. You can check out her post here.