At one point I was considering calling this post GBBD: Augtober 2019. It's been a rather chillier than usual, rainy August, very odd summer weather for the PNW. Although we have had some days with quite sunny weather and temps in the 80s, we also had thunderstorms, and heavy rain, and quite a few days where the temps have stayed in the 70s. Not really much like our REAL October weather, which is very blustery and cold and rainy. But so strange. Unfortunately, even with our August rain, we are still running at a considerable rain deficit for the year, because our spring was so dry.
There's still plenty of flowers out in the garden, although I can feel the garden slowing down. I've been slowing down myself.
Echinacea purpurea |
Geranium 'Rozanne' |
Astrantia 'Vanilla Gorilla' |
Lavender |
A bee enjoying some Coreopsis |
Kniphofia |
Agastache |
A few Hydrangeas
Allium wallichii ex. China |
One last daylily |
Gladiolus 'Ruby' which has flopped into the foliage of Sambucus 'Black Lace' -- I love this hardy Gladiolus so much I just bought a second one for this bed from Far Reaches Farm |
There are a few Dahlias flowering.
And a few tuberous Begonias.
And a couple of lilies.
'Stargazer' |
'Black Beauty' |
Acanthus |
Echinops |
Lobelia 'Queen Victoria' |
Another Lobelia with pink flowers, flowering in the pot ghetto |
Verbena bonariensis |
Cyclamen hederifolium, whose flowers appear before the leaves, kind of a harbinger of autumn |
Starbucks has announced the pumpkin spice latte will return to its menu on Tuesday, August 27, the earliest return ever. Isn't that kind of a harbinger of autumn too?
Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day on the fifteenth of every month. Check out her post