Monday, April 15, 2019

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -- April 2019

Hey, it's already mid-April, which means it's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day again. I neglected to do a GBBD post for March, because I was away and there wasn't much to show anyway. But things are starting to ramp up a bit now.

Here for your perusal are some quickly taken, badly focused pictures of what's blooming in my garden, along with a bit of rambling discourse about them. I didn't bother trying to do extreme closeups in the attempt to make sure you didn't see any of the weeds and winter debris still strewn about the garden that I haven't gotten around to cleaning up yet. I've been focused on redoing a couple of beds in the front garden at the expense of tidying.

'Princess Irene' Tulip with the early foliage of Gerald Darby Iris - a nice vignette when not overcome with weeds, dead leaves and stems and last year's old, dead iris foliage

Not 100% sure but I think this is Aubretia

Fritillaria meleagris

Primula 'Sunset Shades' has sown itself throughout one of my shade beds as well as into the gravel

It makes a nice companion for the orange Epimedium, which for the second year in a row I have neglected to cut back the old foliage

Perhaps not such a great companion to this Trillium, which I think is Trillium Kurabayashii

Another Trillium in the same bed, possibly Trillium luteum

Camellia 'April Kiss'

Dicentra 'Valentine'

Arctostaphylos, whose branches look a bit cockamamie because the entire shrub toppled over sideways in our February snow and I haven't gotten around to righting it yet

Grevillea 'Canberra Gem' flowering sparsely because it looks like many of its buds were damaged by our February snow

Ribes speciosum

Brunnera macrophylla

Yellow Epimedium whose name is lost

Another Primula (P. marginata, I think)

Honesty/Lunaria annua

Camellia 'Black Magic'

Camellia 'Black Magic'

Erysimum 'Blood Red' which has a sweet scent that's hard to describe, sort of like fruity candy

Pieris japonica

Ribes sanguineum

Pulsatilla vulgaris

Pulsatilla vulgaris


Erythronium 'Pagoda'

Dodecatheon and Anemones

Yellow Corydalis

Arisaema sikokianum starting to unfold

Only a few days ago it looked very much like a scary, clawed hand pushing up out of the soil

Trillium whose name I've lost

In the greenhouse are a couple of plants with buds that are close to opening. It's not Garden Bloggers Bud Almost Open Day, but I'm showing them anyway.

Golden rat-tail cactus

Adenium obesum

That's about it for my garden! I hope you have something blooming in April to show for GBBD. I know some parts of the country are suffering from bad weather and have even been hit by mid-April snow.

Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, check out her post here.