Friday, March 1, 2019

Back In Time

Hey guys! It's Friday again, which means it's time for another time travel post.

Back In Time -- Huey Lewis and The News

Hop in the Delorean with Doc Brown and me while we go back to last summer's warmth and sunny skies.

Photo shamelessly stolen from imdb

The Garden of Karen and Larry Beck

Here's the excerpt from the NPA booklet about this fabulous garden. The garden was huge, but the description is short and sweet.

The house is surrounded by deep beds full of lush flowering shrubs and perennials, as well as garden art

If you look closely in the photo above, you can see me in black pants and a pink shirt, reflected in the gazing ball. Also, it was hard to miss the enormous branch of wisteria clinging to the corner of the house eaves.

Here's the bed where the wisteria starts, with two large trunks and branches that go off in two directions, the one on the right goes around the right hand corner of the house....

....And continues up and over the peak.....

...Around the next corner...

...Partway across the back of the house!

It must be a monster to keep trimmed.

Here's another view of the bed around the other side of the house where we started out, with a view across green grass to a large weeping willow

Under the willow are two orange chairs and a table, a cozy secluded sitting spot

A closer look at some of the lovely stone walls that surround the house

Karen and Larry gamely signposted the damage from deer ravaging the garden -- As the host of Tell the Truth Tuesday I gotta admire a gardener willing to point out the not-so-pretty sights

The garden sports a charming greenhouse with its own little beds surrounding it

A look inside

A piece of mosaic art just outside the greenhouse door

Gorgeous poppy

Enormous clumps of flowering daylilies

I loved this planted piece of driftwood up on the patio

As you turn away from the house you see rows of raised beds with flowering perennials for cutting

Pretty Dahlia bright as the sunshine

Another Dahlia


In a shady area of the garden, against a slope is a pond and waterfall with statues of children fishing at the top

You can walk up around the back of the waterfall, and on the way spot some interesting plants.

Aeonium 'Swartzkopf'

Fatsia 'Spider's Web'

The view from above the falls

Stone steps take you down the other side

Another view of the pond and waterfall from the other direction

Koi swimming in the pond

The garden has several outbuildings, at least a couple of them large enough to perhaps be used as extra living facilities.

A bed along one of the outbuildings with lush plants and wonderful stone walls

A second outbuilding, kitty-corner to the first, also with lush planting beds

A last view of the back porch with its cool scroll-armed wooden armchair

Say Good-bye now to Karen and Larry's kittens, who playfully greeted guests. It's time to get back in our Delorean and head back to 2019 and cold winter in Washington state.

"Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads..."