Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wednesday Vignette

It's been ages since I've participated in this meme. I want to point out as well that the photo I'm sharing today isn't mine.

My friend Camille Paulsen, who gardens in a nearby town, took it one morning recently while she was getting her youngest daughter ready to face the day. Can you imagine what it's like to look out your kitchen window and see this view over your garden?

Mt. Rainier casting a shadow on the clouds -- photo by Camille Paulsen

Occasionally at this time of year, when the cloud cover is just right, at sunrise the sun causes Mt. Rainier, a 14,000+-foot high volcano, to cast a shadow onto the sky. You can read about this phenomenon here in a Huffpost article, and see more photos from various other photographers here.

They say a red sky at morning is supposed to be a warning of bad things to come, but it's hard not to simply feel awe when you see a sight like this, isn't it? Nigel and I sometimes talk about downsizing to a smaller house and garden eventually, but if we do, I want one with a view.

Anna at Flutter & Hum hosts Wednesday Vignette. You can check out her post here.