Here's a record of what's blooming in my garden this October.
Arbutus unedo 'Compacta' is covered in flowers, and often frequented by hummingbords |
Most years it has both flowers and last year's strawberry-shaped fruit at the same time, but not this year |
A handful of Calendulas are still hanging on, despite some very cold overnight temperatures, close to freezing |
Helianthus and purple Aster |
A couple of California poppies have rebloomed since our return of rain |
Most of the Echinaceas are dried seedheads, but they have produced a few new blooms |
Hardy Geranium 'Wargrave Pink' goes on all summer and into fall |
Sedum 'Autumn Joy' is mostly finished blooming, I think, sometimes it's hard to tell |
This Japanese Anemone whose name I've lost has produced one bloom, it's in a terrible weed-infested spot where it gets neither enough sun nor enough water |
The tuberous Begonias are still flowering, although the foliage doesn't look its best.
Dahlias are still flowering heavily too, although the rain we've had has beaten some of them down a bit. I'll have to try to remember to give them more support next year.
Dahlia 'Black Beauty' |
'Black Beauty' |
Dinner plate Dahlia |
Leaning over (I won't show the ones that have planted their faces all the way down in the dirt) |
Cyclamen hederifolium |
Chocolate Eupatorium |
Geranium 'Ann Folkard' |
Corydalis lutea |
Phygelius |
Most of the oakleaf Hydrangea flowers have turned brown, but there are a couple of new white ones |
I've lost track of the name of this pink Hydrangea still growing in a pot, I wonder if some day I'll get it in the ground |
I was very late getting my Brugmansias out of the garage, and they only started flowering about two weeks ago, just in time to go back in |
All the tender plants have made it into the greenhouse to be overwintered once again, and a few are flowering.
Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery' stands in for all the other leafy Begonias, since all their flowers pretty much look the same |
I realized when I moved my Hindu Rope Hoya into the greenhouse that it has been producing flower clusters for a while, since there were quite a few dried ones |
Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day on the fifteenth of the month. Check out her post