Monday, July 23, 2018

In A Vase on Monday

I've reached that time of year when I actually have an overwhelming amount of riches to pull from to create an arrangement to show off in a vase, and yet...I still feel a need to go for something simple. I've been looking forward to being able to have an enormous, full, blowsy arrangement of flowers all year since I started participating in this meme, but now that I can, I'm overwhelmed at where to begin.

So I decided to cut from a couple of Dahlias that have just started flowering. I don't have their names any more. I bought them several years ago, probably from Swan Island, and originally they were planted in various unfriendly spots in the front garden. I pulled them all out last fall and put them together in the raised bed that I repurposed as a cutting garden.

I had to carry the vase around outside trying out various spots to see if I could get a good picture. In its usual spot by the kitchen sink, it was backlit by morning sun and hard to get a good photo.

The colors in the vase don't really go with this turquoise table and chairs, but it's nice and sunny.

A red Dahlia, a white Dahlia, some Ammi majus, and a castor bean leaf ('New Zealand Purple')

Here it is in the kitchen, backlit by the morning sunshine -- I had to lighten the photo considerably

Maybe next week I'll go for something really big and colorful. We are in for a hot week, which will accelerate flowering, but hopefully it won't be so hot that I'll still have something left for next week. I probably should have cut things now in anticipation of the week's high temperatures, but I didn't.

Cathy at Rambling in the Garden hosts In A Vase on Monday. Check out her post here.