It's once again Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, so yesterday on one of the hottest days of the spring so far I walked around the garden and took note with my camera of what was flowering in mid-May. Our weather lately has been sunny and warm and I've been spending every spare moment in the garden, working on revamping a bed in the back, potting up tuberous Begonias, moving the tender plants out of the greenhouse, etc., etc., etc.
I barely have the time or energy or inclination to blog or take photos of what I'm doing. I'm pushing myself to get as much done as possible before I hit the wall of complete and utter exhaustion, burn out, or die, whichever comes first.
Anyway, here's what's flowering in my garden.
Begonia boliviensis |
Dicentra 'Gold Heart' |
A sea of Anthriscus sylvestris |
Lamium orvala |
Saxifraga 'London Pride' |
Soapwort, hardy Geranium, Dicentra formosa and yellow Corydalis |
Flowers flowering |
Aquilegia |
I also have some plummy frilly Columbines flowering in another bed, where they have sown themselves in a strange variety of forms.
Crambe maritima flowering in the pot ghetto |
Magnolia laevifolia flowered a week ago and is finished now, but I've included it here for recording purposes |
Silene 'Ray's Golden Campion' |
Pacific Coast Iris in the front bed |
Two diofferent PCIs mingling -- they need thinning and dividing |
Lavandula stoechas 'Boysenberry Ruffles' |
Alyssum and hardy Geranium |
Grevillea 'Canberra Gem' |
Grevillea 'Canberra Gem' |
Allium being admired by my array of head planters |
Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day on the 15th of every month. Check out her post