Sunday, April 15, 2018

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -- April 2018

It's the middle of the month again already -- where does the time go? That means it's time for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, when garden bloggers catalog what's flowering in their gardens.

First, a peek into the greenhouse, where there are a few blooms.

A fancy leaf Begonia has put up a few spikes of flowers

Golden rat-tail cactus (Cleistocactus winteri) has been putting out a succession of blooms on different "arms" for days

Alstroemeria 'Sunset Sunrise Sun Something or Other' which I have never planted out in the garden and is still in its nursery pot after two years -- perhaps it is time to give it away

And out in the garden:



Camellia 'April Kiss' and Ribes sanguineum towering over a 5 1/2-foot fence

Camellia 'April Kiss'

Camellia 'April Kiss'

Ribes sanguineum

This Primula has self-sown all over the bed
Including right into the middle of a sea of dandelions
Dicentra 'Valentine'

Brunnera all over the garden are flowering
I've been remiss this year in cutting back the old foliage on most of my Epimediums. Some look right atrocious, but others not too bad.

Epimedium x perralchicum 'Frohnleiten' with old foliage

A more delicate Epimedium with new foliage

Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow'


Fritillaria and forget-me-not

Dodecatheon looking a bit battered

Trillium ovatum, our native PNW Trillium, opened white on March 20, has aged to pink, plus our rain has turned the flower translucent, like fairy wings.

Corydalis lutea has sown itself into the middle of a patch of Dicentra formosa, and the leaves are so similar to my eye I can't tell where one plant begins and the other ends

Dicentra 'Gold Heart'

I forget the name of this poor rain and wind-battered Primula sandwiched here between Cyclamen coum and Cyclamen hederifolium

Euphorbia rigida


Oxalis oregana

I hope you have found plenty blooming in your garden on this April Garden Bloggers Bloom Day! Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Bloom Day, check our her post here.