Tuesday, March 27, 2018

You Can Fly!

Do you read my blog or that of my blogging buddy Peter The Outlaw Gardener and sometimes wonder how to start a blog of your own? Do you take pictures of your garden in order to keep track of what's happening there? Or of gardens that you visit, maybe as part of the NPA's Open Gardens scheme? Maybe you even share them with family and friends occasionally, by emails, or on Facebook or Instagram.

Are you an introvert who's more comfortable around plants, tongue-tied when talking about your garden in front of others, who becomes more eloquent when given time to think and write out what you want to say?

You could write a blog!

Peter The Outlaw Gardener and I are going to be telling all our blog writing secrets and teaching a class for the Northwest Perennial Alliance on starting a blog. You should come and learn as much as you can, so you can start your own blog and join the garden blogging community.

Find out all the details here. Be sprinkled with our very own pixie dust. Become a high-flying garden blogger like Peter and I.

Peter Pan "You Can Fly"