Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Drat! Scat!

I was working in the front garden yesterday and found what looked at first like dried black beans scattered across the path. I wondered briefly what plant was nearby that might have dropped seeds that looked like beans, when closer inspection revealed the truth.

It's almost undoubtedly deer poop.

Looks very much like the images I found on a Google Image search

I've been seeing, but trying to ignore, their tracks in the front garden all winter, usually embedded in frost-frozen soil. This morning I found a hoofprint that looks like the cloven devil print of those dratted ruminants.

Does that look to you like a cloven hoofprint?

As soon as I saw the poop, I looked around to see if they might have eaten some of my plants, and my very first thought was the nearby Sedum 'Autumn Joy.' Sure enough, they've been chomped.

I saw deer down the street many months ago, and hoped that they wouldn't discover my garden.

Maybe they won't be back.

Yeah, maybe Santa and the Tooth Fairy are real too. Got any favorite deer resistant plants?