Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Wednesday Vignette

Most of my tender plants go out to the greenhouse in the winter, but a handful come upstairs and spend the cold weather in the west-facing window of my guest bedroom. I look them over once a week to see if they might need watering. Most of them are succulents like Agaves, Aloes and Cactus that need very little care, and I notice little change in them.

But this morning I suddenly noticed a flower spike on the Aloe variegata, aka tiger aloe (it has wide, rigid, very stabby bits). It was a nice surprise for me, so I thought I'd share it as my Wednesday Vignette.

Tiger Aloe flower

And here, just for good measure, is my west-facing guest bedroom (comes with cat) window.

Anna at Flutter & Hum hosts Wednesday Vignette. You can see her current post here.