Thursday, January 11, 2018

A Short Visit to a Small Seattle garden

Back in the summer after I came back from the Garden Bloggers Fling, I got an email from my garden blogging buddy Peter The Outlaw Gardener, wanting to know if I was interested in meeting up with him to tour a few NPA Open Gardens in Seattle. It had been a while since I'd seen him, and I was anxious to see a few local gardens after having gorged on gardens in the D.C. area at the Fling, so I jumped at the chance.

Our first stop was a little gem, the garden of Myrna Torrie. Peter blogged about this garden several months ago here, but I thought I'd share my own pictures, too.

It's hard to get a good candid picture of Peter when we go garden hopping. He is always way ahead of me, and has the camera up to his face, so the only shot I get of him is this view, from behind. If you check out the post from his blog of this garden, he turned around a few seconds later and took a shot of me on the stairs above.

There were many little tapestries of foliage and texture throughout Myrna's garden.

And some beautiful flowers!

I hope you enjoyed this quick little garden tour from last summer!

And by the way, if you haven't joined the NPA yet this year, get cracking! They're hosting the Hardy Plant Study Weekend this year right here in the Seattle area June 22-25 and I just know it's going to be great. I've been kicking myself for not joining last year and missing out on lots of great Open Gardens, lectures and workshops.

I've joined already, so you should too!