Thursday, December 21, 2017

Happy Winter Solstice

Happy Winter Solstice!

No, that's not the winter solstice sun rising over my garden this morning. It's frost on my orange bowling ball, which cost me all of about $1.99 at my local thrift store. It decorates my garden, along with a blue one and a bright pink one.

This morning at 8:28 Pacific time the winter solstice occurred in the Northern Hemisphere. It's the shortest day of the year, and here in our Washington latitude the sun rose at 7:53 and will set tonight at 4:22 p.m., for 8 hours, 29 minutes and 3 seconds of daylight. It will not actually be our earliest sunset, that happened back on December 5, at 4:19. The temperature overnight got down into the mid-20s, which I think is cold.

I haven't been doing much gardening lately. It's been too cold, and when it hasn't been cold, it's been wet.

I've been baking cookies -- a specific type of cookie called a Jammie Dodger. The term Jammie Dodger is probably unfamiliar to most Americans, it's a British thing. They were a Christmas request from my husband Nigel, who, as many of you know, is English (and a Doctor Who fan, of course).

Jammie Dodgers in the making

Doctor Who Saves the World with a Jammie Dodger

I doubt if my Jammie Dodgers will save the world, but they are quite yummy. Cookies (biscuits if you're British) will probably save my sanity, in the absence of gardening.