Friday, September 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -- September 2017

Wow, it's the middle of September already. Fall is coming in fast. It seems like the days suddenly have gotten so much shorter. We have our stream set up to go on and off every day in time with sunset and sunrise, so it is an every day reminder of how short the days are becoming. Earlier this week I realized that it was no longer already on when I woke up in the morning to drive Nigel to the train station. While I welcome cooler weather and the return of some good soaking rain that is supposed to arrive soon, I do wish we could still have summer's long days.

Ah well, you can't have everything. If you did, where would you put it?

Here's what's still flowering in my garden this September. It's not much.

Starting with plants in pots:


Rat-tail cactus

Tuberous Begonias

One fluffy tuberous Begonia flower that had broken off

Unidentified flower that hitch-hiked with a Bromeliad that I got at the spring swap -- Do you know what it is? (Finally identified as Seemannia nematanthodes 'Evita' (Gloxinia)

Of course the Sedums and the grasses are doing their thing at this time of year.

Sedum 'Autumn Joy'

Panicum 'Rothstrahlbusch'

Calamagrostis brachytricha in front and Calmagrostis 'Karl Foerster'  behind with Verbena bonariensis

Verbena closeup

Tithonia 'Torch' and friend


Tall large-flowered purple Aster -- I don't recall which one, but the clump is huge and needs to be divided and spread around the garden

Overgrown Fuchsia magellanica

Corydalis lutea, which sows itself all over

Water hyacinth

One last pink oakleaf Hydrangea flower -- all the rest are brown

Cyclamen are starting to pop up

That's it! We actually have rain in the forecast, and I've started moving plants around and have even planted some of the plants in the pot ghetto.

Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day on the fifteenth of every month. Check out her post here, where bloggers from around the world share their flowers.