Friday, July 21, 2017

Monty Don's Watering Can

When I went away to the Fling, I was sick with a cold. Sick enough that I actually skipped the second day of garden touring, and spent the day in my air-conditioned hotel room, watching TV. I was still sick when I came back, with a cough that, because I have asthma, lingered for weeks, despite constant puffing on two different inhalers.

My son and his girlfriend came to visit the weekend right after Fling weekend, and I was still so out of commission that I let them go into Seattle to do the tourist thing without me. Again, I stayed home and watched TV.

For a few weeks after I came back, even just a walk around the garden would leave me out of breath, so I wasn't doing much, if any, gardening. But I was watching a lot of TV.

Gardeners' World, specifically, which I watch on YouTube. If you're an American gardener, you probably know gardening shows in the U.S. suck, because they're aren't any. I don't understand how HG-TV can continue to call itself HG-TV. In this age of rebranding, it really is just H-TV, which for me, would stand for Hell-TV. Anyway, Gardeners' World is British, and the British know how to do gardening shows. Monty Don is the soft-spoken, charming host/presenter, and I fell in love with his watering can when I started watching the show.

You can see Monty Don's watering can in action in the video here.

I Googled "Monty Don's watering can," because I wanted one for my own. It has a brass rose that sprinkles a light rain-like dose for watering seeds or seedlings, but can be easily removed when you need to give a newly planted shrub or perennial a good soak. It's made of galvanized metal with a powder coating. It's a Haws Professional Long-Reach Watering Can, which I found on Amazon in an 8.8 liter size (a bit heavy for me). So I opted for a smaller, one-gallon Haws watering can.

My new watering can -- Beyond, the garden beckons

My only regret is that the larger can has a filter between the spout and rose to prevent it getting clogged, which the smaller one doesn't have. But it's easily removed for cleaning. Also, I didn't realize, I could have ordered one right from the Haws website, so I got mine on Amazon. Apparently, they also make a brass watering lance. For $89.95, I wonder if it leaks.

I'm feeling better now, I'm coughing less. I've already filled both of my yard waste bins with weeds and deadheaded plants that I've cut back. I've given my new watering can a workout.

But I'm still very tempted to sit down every day and admire Monty Don's can.