Thursday, February 9, 2017

Stabby Plants At Disneyland

The trouble with me taking pictures of plants at Disneyland in Southern California is that the ones I gravitate toward are the ones I recognize. Back home in the Seattle area, monstrously huge Agaves and barrel cactus are an anomaly, but I suspect they're pretty typical of southern California landscaping. There might be more cutting edge (hehe) plants at Disneyland than these, but these are the ones I photographed.

Like yesterday's Wednesday Vignette photos, these Agaves (which I don't recognize, but they're wavy like 'Mr. Ripple') were in Downtown Disney, an open air mall that costs nothing to enter (although you do have to pass through a screening process, i.e., open your bags, etc.)

Yucca rostrata in Frontierland (what's that airy plant under it? Zauschneria?)

Agaves and barrel cactus

Large variegated Agaves and Mexican feather grass in Frontierland (I should have gotten a good picture of that tall plant behind the canopy on the right -- some kind of Euphorbia?)

A closer look at the Agave on the left in the previous shot

Agaves at the side of the road in Cars Land in Disney's California Adventure

Barrel cactus, part of the landscaping for the Radiator Springs ride in Cars Land (I don't understand the reason for the gravel in the depression in the top of the barrel -- anyone know?)

A trio of cactus at Radiator Springs (that one on the left looks a little squishy)

Poor thing! Rotting cactus, a victim of the recent torrential downpour, I think (we walked past two days later and it had vanished, the gravel area swept completely clean as if it had never existed)

I realized while looking through my pictures of these Agaves, it's kind of amazing, given how crowded Disneyland can get, that none of them have been vandalized. I've seen photos on other blogs of large Agaves in public places that people have tagged or marked with words or initials.

There was a large bed of flowering Aloes in Cars Land too, but I didn't see them until dusk, and it wasn't good conditions for photo-taking. Maybe next time.