Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wednesday Vignette

For my Winter Solstice Wednesday Vignette I'm sharing some recent shots of frosty foliage that I took with my new point-and-shoot camera, a Christmas/birthday present. My old camera started acting wonky, taking forever to focus and shoot. Also, one of the buttons on it had gotten stiff and hard to shift. It was at least 8 years old, bought before we moved here to Washington.

Tetrapanax leaf looks like it's covered in frosty fur

Parahebe perfoliata and sugar impostor frost crystals

Anna at Flutter & Hum hosts Wednesday Vignette every Wednesday. Check out her post here, and make sure to check out the links of everyone in the comments.

Happy Winter Solstice! After today, as you probably know, the days start getting longer. More daylight is something worth celebrating!