Friday, September 16, 2016

Foliage Followup -- September 2016

It's been a while since I did a Foliage Followup post. When I went out to take pictures for my Bloom Day post, I couldn't help noticing how beautiful and interesting some of my foliage was. So I thought I'd share a handful of shots.

Little bluestem stands out against Sedum 'Autumn Joy'

The variegated campion that I showed flowers from yesterday has produced an all-yellow-leaved clump right in the center

Technically not foliage, but Eryngium 'Blue Glitter' always produces interesting seedheads

Most of late summer's Echinacea flowers have dried and ripened

Oakleaf Hydrangea leaves are starting to color up in fall's typical hues

Pam at Digging hosts Foliage Followup, always on the day after Bloom Day. Check out her post here, where she says good-bye to her bloomed-out Agave ovatifolia, Moby.