Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday Vignette

Today's Wednesday Vignette post is about making an effort. Or tenacity. Or something. Some kind of life lesson. Deep thoughts are in there somewhere. Take what you will from the photo.

This bag of mixed Daffodils sat on my front step all winter. I really thought I'd get them planted last fall when I bought them. I never got around to it, and they've been sitting right there for a few months now, guilt-tripping me every time I go out to get the mail.

Now, they've doubled-down on that guilt trip and are trying to make me feel even worse by flowering in the bag.

Poor things. I bet I could still plant them, right?

Anna at Flutter and Hum hosts Wednesday Vignette. You can read her post for this week here, and check out the links other bloggers leave in the comments.