Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -- March 2016

Welcome to my first GBBD post for 2016! Here's what's blooming in my garden right now. Our recent weather has been so rainy and windy and cold, getting photos was a challenge. But I managed to get out there in two or three runs, coming into the house in between to take the chill off, and upload what I had captured to see if any of my photos were worth sharing.

Dicentra 'Gold Heart'

Dicentra 'Gold Heart'








Trachystemon orientalis -- Aren't those curly petals cute?


The curls remind me of Aunt Pittypat from Gone With The Wind


Trachystemon foliage, which lasts all summer after the blooms fade

Variegated Stachyurus praecox (possibly 'Magpie')

I already shared some Hellebore pics in my last post, but I thought I'd share this Hellebore "hedge" that I put in last year around this time, to line the edge of a path. I'm pleased with how it turned out, but I did intend to intersperse some Fritillaria bulbs in there. Unfortunately, I never got around to planting them. I wonder if it's too late?

It's rare to find a common Primrose bloom this undamaged by slugs, most look like the bloom on the lower right

I shared this Erysimum 'Winter Sorbet' in my last post too, but I love it so much I'm showing it again.

There are a few bulbs blooming in the front garden.




'British Gamble' Daffodil about to bloom

Two-tone Muscari

There's not much blooming in the greenhouse. Most of the plants out there survived being neglected terribly while I was ill, but a couple succumbed.

'Old Lady' miniature cactus


I didn't take photos of the dandelions and the millions of shotweed growing out there with impunity. I could feed a small army with them (they're both edible weeds). I hope there's plenty of flowers in your garden, and very few weeds.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Check out her March Bloom Day post here.