Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wednesday Vignette

Now that our string of frosty days has ended, and our temps have gone back up to a balmy 45, there is an overabundance of ugliness out in my garden, in the form of blackened or mushy foliage. But we also had rain last night, so everything this morning was dripping with water, which can enhance the  beauty of just about anything.

But that's not what I'm sharing a picture of today. After making the rounds of the front garden looking for photo ops, I went into the greenhouse to see what, if anything, looked good in there. One of the first things I spied was this harvestman, hanging out on the lime tree. He's a lovely predator, isn't he? Aphids have already taken up residence on some of my plants that are overwintering in there, so I hope he takes a nice big bite out of the population.

Hope you enjoyed this Wednesday Vignette, which is hosted by Anna at the blog Flutter and Hum. Check out her post here, as well as the other posts from bloggers sharing in the fun.

I'll share my photos of water-spotted foliage in a future post.