Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday Vignette

I have a few spots in my garden where the California poppies are blooming thick and furious right now. I went out to try and see if I could get a shot that demonstrated that, where the entire shot was taken up with nothing but poppies in profusion. But I couldn't seem to quite pull it off, there was always some other plant or some section of road or driveway showing, or a neighbor's car or yard waste bin photo-bombing it. Just for giggles, I decided to have a go at shooting them from below, and this was the (IMHO) delightful result. I love the gold poppies against the deep blue cloudless sky, with the bright sun in the top left corner, and the dark shape of the Douglas fir in the top right. I didn't even look through the viewfinder, just shot blind. But then of course, I took a wild stab at cropping it slightly for composition.

This post is part of Wednesday Vignette, hosted by my friend Anna at Flutter and Hum. You can see her current post here. Do you have any orphan photos that you can't really put into a larger blog post? Just post them on their own, and make your post part of Anna's Wednesday Vignette.